Expanding Instructional Spaces for Biology 'The Role of Talking Walls'


Instructional spaces; Murals; Talking walls


Illustrations or diagrams form an integral part of learning biology. They help learners to relate biological concepts to structures and their functions. 'Talking walls' or Murals are a form of illustrations typical in many schools. However, research shows that most Talking walls remain "pretty pictures" and are forgotten or underutilised in teaching. It is against this background that whenever I see 'Talking walls', my concern has always been on how teachers and students use them to improve learning outcomes. In this article, I describe two of the pictures from 'Talking walls' depicting ideas in biology I obtained from two different schools. I discuss the importance of having 'Talking walls' that accurately communicate ideas to avoid introducing misconceptions. I conclude the article by emphasising the role of the teacher in ensuring that students reap maximum benefits from 'Talking walls' in their schools.